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Quaker Consortium

Each one of these schools was actually founded by the Religious Society of Friends, a.k.a. the Quakers.

Weirdest College Traditions

Time-honored traditions? Not likely. They're weird. But as a team full of weirdos, we say "weird" with the utmost affection.

Top 10 Ivy League Alternatives

You know the Fiske Guides, right? Edward B. Fiske, the former New York Times education editor and all-around college guru, has produced a bunch of these helpful...

Where Money Is Given to Students Without Financial Need

Smart, talented, driven students deserve a tuition break, whether they have financial need or not. You know the kids we're talking about, the ones who are impossibly brainy,...

Four-Year Colleges and Universities in Delaware

Thinking about attending college in the great Diamond State? You can check out all the four-year colleges and universities in Delaware right here. All schools are currently...

Colleges With Students Committed to Teach for America

Teach for American is the national corps of college graduates who commit two years to teach in urban and rural public schools. Listed in order, these colleges had the highest...

Great Schools to Study Dance

These colleges belong to the National Association of Schools of Dance. Twyla Tharp would be proud.

Colleges With Strength in Men's Basketball

The teams at these schools aren't a joke. They'll dribble circles around you if you don't watch out.

Four-Year Schools in New Mexico with Articulation Agreements

These are the four-year schools in the Land of Enchantment accepting articulation agreements. Check with each school you're considering to confirm which community colleges...

Episcopal Colleges

These are the members of the Association of Episcopal Colleges.

Colleges Gamers Might Consider

You love video games. We love video games. Learn how to make them at these colleges and universities. FYI, this list is from The College Finder, 2017 edition now available!

Men's Division III Basketball Champions and Runners-Up

The basketball programs at these schools are slam dunks.

West Virginia Hidden Gems

Think you know every college out there? Think again. Here are some diamonds in the rough from The Mountain State.

Smallest Percentage of Out-of-State First-Year Students at Public Universities

The students at these schools must have a lot of state pride. Or they're part of a secret, exclusive club. Whatever the reason, they're aren't many outsiders getting in!

Colleges Awarding the Most Degrees in Business: Small/Medium-Size

This is one of those "just the facts" kind of lists, but it's still good stuff to know! These are the percentage of graduates awarded a degree in business. A...

The Experts' Choice: Great Canadian Colleges for American Students

Allo, Americans! Ça va? Come on up for school, eh? FYI, this list is from The College Finder, 2017 edition now available!